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Anmeldedatum: 18.07.2006 Beiträge: 9
Verfasst am: 01.08.2006 00:19 Titel: Webasto roof |
hello again all,
as mentioned before, my country's folding roof is in bad shape.
the teflon brackates are broken, the cloth has leacking cracks, the arches are croucked and i dont think there is anything to be saved from it.
i am looking for a brand new one.
any help from you guys will be very helpfull.
anyone knows where i can buy or order one around munuch?
i will arrive in munich in late september and would like to colect it.
BTW, webasto told me that since this is a part that they soplied to VW, i have to buy it through VW and they can not sell it directly to me
Bernard |
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Anmeldedatum: 06.10.2005 Beiträge: 604
Wohnort: Leipzig
Verfasst am: 01.08.2006 07:08 Titel: |
Thats not true!!!
In Germany they do.
Look for the roof from the mini it´s the same.
You schould ask WEBASTO for AEROTOP 1 or 2 roof.
One of this is the right one.
Look also her http://www.wiring-online.de/Faltdach133.pdf (sorry only in German) _________________ Gruß
jojo |
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